December 2009
KKC Executive Director Hon. Thach Setha, Phnom Penh Councilman-elect (SRP), and former Senator of the Kingdom of Cambodia (SRP), on December 16, 2009 writes to the Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen to raise the Khmer Krom issues with the visiting communist Vietnam's Secretary General Nong Duc Manh from Dec. 17 - 19 in Phnom Penh |

Communist Vietnam's Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh receives Cambodian PM Hun Sen, Nov. 5, 2008 in Hanoi |
5 pressing issues:
1-Land grabbing
2-Khmer schools
3-Khmer Theravada Buddhism
4-Freedom of Assembly,...,...
5-Forced assimilation of Khmer nationals as Vietnamese
Please note that the same letter is also written to the presidents of the National Assembly and Senate.
Download KKC Letter to Cambodia Prime Minister |
MARCH 2009
March 24
KKC Executive Director and former Senator Thach Setha meets with the UNHCR chairman and vice chair in Cambodia to discuss about Khmer Krom in Kampuchea Krom, Cambodia and Thailand. |
JUNE 2008
5 Issues Khmer Kampuchea Krom Request King Norodom Sihamoni to Raise with host Vietnamese Leaders on His Majesty's second Vietnam State Visit from June 24 - 26, 2008
Unofficial translation
1-Release 5 Khmer Buddhist monks from prison, who have been imprisoned for practicing their religious beliefs:
A-The Venerable Buddhist Monk Kim Moeun, 4-year sentenced on May 10, 2007
B-The Venerable Buddhist Monk Danh To, 4-year sentenced on May 10, 2007
C-The Venerable Buddhist Monk Ly Thoeung, 2-year sentenced on May 10, 2007
D-The Venerable Buddhist Monk Thach Thoeung, 2-year sentenced on May 10, 2007
E.The Venerable Buddhist Monk Ly Vang, 2-year sentenced on May 10, 2007
2-Release abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn, who has been detained and imprisoned in Military Region 9 prison on June 30, 2007 for an alleged illegal entry into Vietnam.
3-Allow Khmers in Vietnam (Kampuchea Krom) to practice their culture freely. For example, Khmers in provinces of Khleang, Pol Leav, and Tuk Khmau, the VN authorities allow them to organize Kathina ceremony for just one day that contradicts the 30-day period of Buddhist religion.
4-For goodwill and good relations between Cambodia-Vietnam, the party of Vietnam re-opens the Buddhist Institute in Khleang province to allow Khmers to practice their own religious beliefs.
5-Allows the visiting King Norodom Sihamoni to visit the regions, where Khmers reside in person.
Download original letter in Khmer click here
Wall of Heroes, heroic Buddhist leaders, Buddhist clergies, eminent officials, and millions of fallen compatriots for sacrificing their sacred lives, flesh and blood, in defending, protecting, guarding and advancing Cambodia, Theravada Buddhism, national language, heritage, environment, culture, custom, and tradition, especially Kampuchea Krom territories.
VN authorities never grant the Khmer identity, Theravada Buddhism,
national language, heritage, culture, custom, and tradition to the indigenous Khmers in Kampuchea Krom. The survival of Khmer identity and religion is paid with their blood. Every VN regime gives the Khmers nothing. Khmers in Kampuchea Krom are the rightful owners of Kampuchea Krom territories. VN authorities never allow the Khmers in Kampuchea Krom nor in Cambodia to live in peace.
Kampuchea Krom region is formerly part of the Khmer Empire and the Kingdom of Cambodia and has the oldest civilization as old as the Chinese. |
Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni's highest representative Her Royal Highness Princess Sisowath Pongneary Monypong presided over the auspicious Buddhist ceremony and here she honored Khmer heroes and fallen compatriots. |
Invited 1,949 Buddhist clergies in attendance renewed the historic June 4th as national mourning day for the Khmer nation and people. |
Right to left: SRP representative MP Son Chhay; Beehive Radio director Mam Sonando; FUNCINPEC representative MP Khieu San; Most Ven. Dhammathero Sao Khon, president of International Community of Khmer Buddhist Monks and Maha Ghosananda International Buddhist Peace Foundation; Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Organization, Khmer Kampuchea Krom Women and Development Association, Khmer Foundation for the Poors, Khmer Kampuchea Krom Association; Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community-North America.
Also invited every year, representatives of Phnom Penh City Hall and the Cambodian People's Party - None responded nor attended. |
Crowds in attendance sat under the hot sun came from the farthest provinces in the country.
The Buddhist and Khmer communities in Australia & New Zealand, United States, Canada and France observed the historic national mourning day on or about June 4th.
France gives Khmer land to Vietnam on June 4, 1949 without the knowledge and consent of the Khmer people and the Cambodian government.
Millions of Khmers in Kampuchea Krom had been displaced and decimated since the annexation.
More pictures to be posted on or about Saturday.
Video of this historic event to be posted later. |
august 2007
Organized by Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with Buddhism for Development |
Far left: Hon. Thach Setha, Executive Director of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community and SRP Senator 1999-2006, makes his contributions with opinion, questions and comments. |
National and international Buddhist, civic and human rights organizations in attendance. |
Panelists of national and international Buddhist, civic and human rights organizations. |
Representatives from political parties, civic and human rights organizations in attendance. |
The intervention request letter
The intervention request letter, dated 08/06/07, of SRP's former Senator and KKC Executive Director Thach Setha to Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen for a return of Ven. Indapanna Tim Sakhorn, in detetion for illegal entry to Vietnam, to Cambodia.
Ven. Tim Sakhorn was forced to defrock (leave monkhood) against his will, Buddhist rule, contravened Cambodia's Constitution and illegally conducted; and contravened the UN Charter, international treaties and other related laws on June 30, 2007. On same day, he was forced into a vehicle and has not seen until 08/02/07, internet news in VNamese mentioned His Venerable Tim Sakhorn is presently in Vietnam for entering that country illegally.
A couple days after Ven. Tim Sakhorn was forced to be disrobed and disappeared, Cambodian Minitry of Interior (MoI) spokesperson Lieutenannt General Khieu Sopheak says that Ven. Tim Sakhorn signed a letter voluntarily returned to Kampuchea Krom (VN), his place of birth.
read more
July 2007
Hon. Thach Setha, Khmer Krom Leaders and Buddhist Laypeople Traditionally Make Alms-offering To Buddhist Monks of Wat Phnom Den North To Celebrate The Vassa
The delegation of SRP's former Senator and KKC Executive Director Thach Setha, Khmer Kampuchea Krom leaders, members, supporters, and Buddhist laypeople from Phnom Penh travel to Wat Phnom Den North to make alms-offering to the resident monks of this temple as the the Buddhist monks traditionally mark their Vassa season (or Rains Retreat).
Vassa is the traditional retreat during the rainy season lasting for three lunar months from July to October. During this time Buddhist monks remain in a single place, generally in their temples. In some monasteries, monks dedicate the Vassa to intensive meditation practice. During Vassa, many Buddhist lay people reinvigorate their spiritual training and adopt more ascetic practices, such as giving up meat, alcohol, or smoking. Vassa is also known as Buddhist Lent.
Missing Ven. Indapanna Tim Sakhorn is a former Chief Monk of Wat Phnom Den North up to the day the Phnom Penh monk officials, deputy chief monks and monks from Kandal province forced Ven. Tim Sakhorn to defrock against his will and rule on June 30, 2007.
This ceremony was also co-funded by the KKC members, supporters and generous donors from overseas.
more photos
Supporters of Missing Ven. Tim Sakhorn March to Cambodia's Parliament
Police personnel spread out to block the supporters of Ven. Tim Sakhorn from
reaching Cambodia ’s National Assembly (Parliament) on the right (Newly-built
and officially opened by King Norodom Sihamoni on July 7, 2007)
Brother of Ven. Tim Sakhorn also a Buddhist monk.
more photos
Joint News Conference On Missing Forcibly Defrocked Abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn
Headquarters of KKHRO, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia 7/20/07
Mr. Tim Theam, ADHOC, LICADHO, Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Monks Association, and Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Right Organization. Left to right: Mr. Tim Theam (Ven. Tim Sakhorn’s father), ADHOC Ny Chakriya, KKBMA Ven. Yoeung Sin, KKHRO Ang Chanrith, LICADHO Am Sam Ath.
Mr. Tim Theam answers news reporters’ questions.
more photos
2-Page response of Hon. Thach Setha to the Great Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong
Hon. Thach Setha, KKC President, issues a 3-point response to the Great Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong that it is regrettable and unacceptable for the forcibly defrocked Abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn.
download Khmer version
Hon. Thach Setha appeals to cambodia's reigning King Norodom Sihamoni to intervene in the missing case
of His Venerable Abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn
In the name of all Khmer Kampuchea Krom organizations in Kingdom
of Cambodia , Hon. Thach Setha, former Senator and KKC President, writes a 3-page letter to His Majesty The King Norodom Sihamoni to intervene for the (1) Immediate release of His Venerable Head Monk Indapanna Tim Sakhorn to Cambodia, (2) Cease immediately the forcibly defrocking the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist monks, except in a case, where a Buddhist monk is found to violate the Buddhist rule, (3) Cease immediately the threats and intimidations upon the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist monks and leaders of the organizations and associations.
download Khmer version
Hon Thach Setha appeals to Cambodia's former King Norodom Sihanouk to intevene in the missing case of his Venerable Abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn
In the name of all Khmer Kampuchea Krom organizations in Kingdom
of Cambodia , Hon. Thach Setha, former Senator and KKC President, writes a 3-page letter to His Majesty The Former King Norodom Sihanouk to intervene for the (1) Immediate return of His Venerable Head Monk Indapanna Tim Sakhorn to Cambodia, (2) Cease immediately the forcibly defrocking the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist monks, except in a case, where a Buddhist monk is found to violate the Buddhist rule,
(3) Cease immediately the threats and intimidations upon the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist monks and leaders of the organizations
and associations.
download Khmer version
Meeting with Royal Embassy of Japan
KKC Headquarters, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia 7/9/07
MD Terauchi Kojue, Adviser & Research of the Royal Embassy of Japan, conducts human right violation investigation on the well-beings
of missing Abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn with Hon.
Thach Setha, Executive Director of Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community and former Senator of Cambodia and Mr. Thach Ngoc Wath, KKC Secretary General.
more photos
Intervention letter tof His Majesty
The King-Father Norodom Sihanouk writes to PM Hun Sen to review the missing case of his Venerable Tm Sakhorn, who was forcibly defrocked on June 30, 2007 per order of the Supreme Patriarch Non Nget and concurred by the Great Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong.
read more in Khmer version
KKC-NA request letter for intevention
To the U.S. State Department, the Transnational Radical Party:
Abbot Indapanna Tim Sakhorn was forcibly defrocked against his will, Buddhist practice and unconstitutional. On June 30, 2007 Abbot Tim Sakhorn, Buddhist monk of Wat Phnom Den North, Ta Lung village, Phnom Den commune, Kirivong district, Takeo province, was invited to attend a meeting held at the provincial Buddhist office.
His Venerable Indapanna Tim Sakhorn was forcibly defrocked (disrobed) or leave monkhood against his will and the Buddhist teaching. On the same day, he was abducted by a group of people
and transported swiftly to Vietnam (according to the Cambodian Ministry of Interior).
Intervention Letter to U.S. State Department
KKC-NA appeals for the release of Ven. Tim Sakhorn.
download English version
Intervention Letter to the Transnational Radical Party.
KKC-NA appeals for the release of Ven. Indapanna Tim Sakhorn.
download English version
Phnom Penh City Hall and Ministry of Interior jointly denied Khmer Krom permission to conduct Dharma Walk on
July 7, 2007
The coalition of Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Monks Association, Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community and the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Buddhist Students Association receive double rejection for the second time from the Phnom Penh Municipality and Cambodia’s Ministry of Interior.
First denial by the involved authorities takes place on June 9, 2007.
KKC-NA Representatives in attendance.
download Khmer version
Phnom Den Temple
Khmer Kampuchea Krom organizations in the Kingdom of Cambodia meet to discuss the emergency situation of the forcibly defrocked chief monk Indapanna Tim Sakhorn. Local crowds gather within the compound of Wat North Phnom Den during the time the Khmer Krom leaders and delegation conduct their investigation. more photos
June 2007
4-Page Field Investigation Report on the Missing Forcibly Defrocked Ven.
Indapanna Tim Sakhorn
Conducted by the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Organization
The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Organization (KKHRO) has conducted its field investigation on the missing case of forcibly defrocked His Venerable Indapanna Tim Sakhorn on June 30, 2007.
KKHRO receives funding from the Royal Government of Netherland.
download Khmer version
United States Embassy Holds Meeting with Khmer Krom
KKC Headquarters, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia 6/7/07
Ms. Janet Deutch, Political Officer of the Embassy of the United States of America, meets with the leaders of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom organizations on the current situation of human rights and the welfare of Khmers in Vietnam as well as in
the Kingdom of Cambodia.
KKC President Thach Setha, KKBMA President Ven. Vijaratanapanna Maha Yoeung Sin, KKBSA President Ven. Jotannano Chau Sang, KK Women and Minority Assoc. President Prom Yang, Khmer Foundation for the Poor President Yon Tharo, and KKHRD President Son Yoeung.
more photos
The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community (KKC) established by the will of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom people from every corner of the globe to protect the interest of Khmers from Kampuchea Krom in uniform to the evolution of national and international communities.
The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community is an independent and non-governmental organization.
The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community is a proud member of the Transnational Radical Party, an association of citizens, parliamentarians and members of government of various national and political backgrounds who intend to achieve, through nonviolent Gandhian methods, a number of concrete objectives aimed at creating an effective body of international law with respect for individuals and the affirmation of democracy and freedom throughout the world with headquarters in Europe.