The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community, KKC, welcomes the planned visit by the high ranking Royal Government of Kampuchea official Khieu Kanharith and senior ranking Buddhist leader in Wat Langka Kosamaram to Kampuchea Krom in early September
August 28, B.E.2553, A.D.2009 Courtesy The Khmer Sthapana News
Unofficial translation. Original article in Khmer.
The high ranking official of the government of Kampuchea (Cambodia in English) initiated a plan to observe the Binda, a religious period in the Khmer Buddhist tradition, at one of the Khmer Buddhist temples in Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom, in early September 2009.
Minister of Information and Spokesman of the Government of Kampuchea Khieu Kanharith
Khieu Kanharith, spokesman of the government and minister of the Information Ministry, said to the news reporters on the evening of August 28, 2009 that he organizes a Binda ceremony at Wat Nokor Raja Borei on September 5 and will need to stay overnight there due to a 10-hour driving distance.
Khieu Kanharith also said that Wat Nokor Raja Borei is over 600 years old in Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom, to exchange mutual dialogues.
Khieu Kanharith also said that, "many Khmers here [Kampuchea or Cambodia in English] do not know much about Kampuchea Krom; for that reason, we should go visit once, and to the oldest Buddhist temple [Wat Nokor Raja Borei]." The person that initiates the planned Binda ceremony at Wat Nokor Raja Borei is Mr. Khieu Kanharith in collaboration with the senior ranking Buddhist leader at Wat Langka.
Khieu Kanharith reiterated that this is the first time he observes the Binda ceremony at Wat Nokor Raja Borei in Preah Trapeang province (Vietnam renamed Tra Vinh), Kampuchea Krom, and an idea of organizing a procession of Tipitaka (Buddhist Canon), the minister will have a plan to make offering to the Buddhist monks staying in the Buddhist temples again in Kampuchea Krom in the future.
Khieu Kanharith said also that the observance of Binda at Wat Nokor Raja Borei is to connect with all Khmer blood so that no one says this or that and the persons that go with have freedom to speak with Khmer Kampuchea Krom in Preah Trapeang province.
Thach Setha, SRP's former Senator and current president of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community, KKC, said that the visit to observe the Binda ceremony at Wat Nokor Raja Borei in Preah Trapeang province, Kampuchea Krom by Mr. Khieu Kanhartih (on September 5, 2009) for Khmers to learn about the culture of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom and would like to see frequent visits to Kampuchea Krom by the Khmer government officials.
Executive Director of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community and SRP's former Senator Thach Setha
KKC Photo taken on June 4, 2007, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Kampuchea |
Thach Setha welcomes the visit to Wat Nokor Raja Borei to observe the Binda ceremony by Mr. Khieu Kanharith, spokesman for the government and minister of the Information Ministry.
Thach Setha also said that the Khmer Kampuchea Krom people that live in Kampuchea Krom do not yet have full freedom in practicing [Theravada] Buddhism, which is the official religion of the Khmer nation and even the study of Khmer language is prohibited.
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